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Take time to familiarize yourself with our school dress code.

Guidelines and procedures for using campus technology. 

The primary responsibility for school attendance rests with the parents and students themselves.  The school will assist parents and students in meeting this responsibility.

All students are required to follow the code of conduct set forth by the Board of Education.

Students are expected to be familiar with the policies contained within this document.

The overall focus of the Proactive School-Wide Discipline Plan is to support and promote positive behavior by redirecting unacceptable student behavior.


The purpose of a structured dress standard is to enhance a school climate, which promotes optimal instruction and learning and minimizes the potential for campus and classroom disruption.  Also, in the spirit of preparing our students for adult life following high school, the intent of the dress standard is to promote an environment, which reflects the standards that most employers would expect from their employees.



  • Students shall dress appropriately for school.  Clothing shall be clean, in good repair and shall not have expressions that depict controlled substances (including illegal drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes), anti-social behavior (i.e. references to any type of fighting), or that state or imply profanity.  (This also includes jewelry, such as earring, necklaces, etc.)  (Students who choose to disregard this rule may have the item of clothing permanently confiscated.)  Overly revealing clothing shall not be worn at school ever.  This includes but is not limited to:

    • Tube tops/dresses, shirts or blouses that expose the midriff or abdomen, see through clothing, short shorts/skirts, yoga rompers, tank top undershirts

    • Caps, hats, visors and dark glasses are to be removed when the wearer enters any building/classroom.

    • Students shall be bound by all safety regulations regarding dress in all shop and laboratory areas.          


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Dress Standard



Consistent student attendance for all classes is critical for student achievement and success.  The primary responsibility for school attendance rests with the parents and students themselves.  The schools will assist parents and students in meeting this responsibility.


Students at Waiākea High School will be required to attend 94% of each of their classes on time to achieve credit.  Lectures, class discussions, guided practice, student participation, and teacher follow-up are essential.  There is no substitute for the student being in their classroom.  Students will be held accountable for their absences and tardies.  If their combined absences and tardies exceed the allowable amount per semester, opportunity will be provided for students to make-up academic class time missed by attending Attendance Is Mandatory (AIM).


AIM is by no means intended to be a punitive measure.  It is, rather, an academic study opportunity for students to make up lost seat time for each of their respective classes.  A policy such as this must be consistent for all students on campus.  This policy is intended to impress upon all students that school attendance should not be taken lightly, and their diligence in attending classes on time daily will help them achieve more academically.  This policy is intended to enhance the attitude that it is difficult for students to be successful if they are not attending their classes regularly.




At the beginning of each of the two (2) semesters during the school year, all students will start with ZERO absences and tardies.  Each student is allowed five (5) absences/tardies per class per semester.  Absences/Tardies in excess of five must be made up prior to the end of each semester in order for students to receive a passing grade for each of their classes.  After the fifth (5th) absence/tardy of the semester, they will need to make up time lost from class instruction by attending AIM.  They will be required to attend a 60 minute period in AIM for each absence/tardy they owe for each of their classes.  Students will be able to make up four (4) one hour periods per AIM session, with a maximum of two (2) for each class.


Attendance Is Mandatory

AIM is held in the cafeteria, unless otherwise stated.  In order to be admitted into AIM, students must report on time with study materials, assignments and their picture ID.  Any student arriving tardy will not be allowed admittance.  Transportation to and from AIM is the responsibility of the student.  While in AIM, all students will sit quietly and complete their respective assignments, or engage in independent reading and/or writing.  Generally, talking is not allowed except during specified times during each session as permitted by the AIM Monitor.  Any student who does not follow AIM rules while in attendance will be asked to leave and consequently will not receive credit for attending AIM that day.



There are two (2) sessions, each having two (2) one hour periods.  There is a 20- minute break between each session.  Students may make-up a total of four (4) periods per AIM; however, not more than two (2) per subject per AIM.






Students must be on time to either session, or they will not be allowed admittance.  If a student leaves during a session, the student many not return during that same session.  If a student is late for the 8:00 session, he/she will not be admitted until the 10:20 session.


Students are strongly encouraged to do two (2) things: (1) Make-up absences/tardies as soon as possible; and (2) Consider, as a positive option, attending AIM to make-up all absences/tardies, thus enabling the student to “zero” out all absences/tardies in the event of an untimely illness or absences close to the end of the semester.



Students will be allowed to make up absences/tardies on a one-to-one system, meaning that for EACH class period missed or tardy to during the week, they can make up that specific period by attending one period of AIM. 


This means that students have the option to attend AIM sessions to make-up each one of their absences/tardies, even each of the first five (5) absences/tardies.  Thus students have the opportunity to “ZERO” out their absences/tardies, students are not always on the verge of failing unless they attend AIM.  It gives students the opportunity to keep their absences/tardies well below five in the event of an untimely illness just prior to the end of the semester.



A student is not marked absent when the student is involved in extra-curricular or other school-related activities such as field trips, athletics, etc., provided teachers have been properly notified prior to a scheduled activity.  Any absences/tardies caused by activities NOT sanctioned and approved by the Department of Education will be considered unexcused absences/tardies.



Upon reaching the student's fifth absence, the student will be notified by the teacher in writing that any future absences/tardies will need to be made up by attending AIM, or the student will not receive a semester passing grade for that respective subject.  This “Five Day Absence Notification” form will be signed by the student, taken home for parental signature, and then returned back to the teacher.  Copies of this notification from will be provided to the student, teacher and administration.  Please make sure that the school registrar’s office, 808-480-3173 or 808-480-3172, has accurate and updated information regarding home and work phone numbers, as well as addresses.


Please remember that school attendance is the primary responsibility of the student and their parents.  We encourage parents to contact the child’s counselor to check on the student's academic progress as well as attendance status.  Any questions or concerns regarding attendance may be addressed to the attendance coordinator at 808-480-3163.


The five allowable absences/tardies per class per semester are designed for legitimate situations, which may cause occasional, unpredictable, or untimely absence/tardiness.  These allowable absences/tardies are definitely not used for purposely cutting class or being truant in any manner.  Legitimate situations would include, yet, not be restricted to the following examples:  a) late transportation; b) normal illness such as the common cold or flu; c) family outings or gatherings, and d) personal or family situations which may prohibit attendance in school for some reason.  The examples just stated would not require any notes from parents as they are valid reasons for an absence/tardy.  They are, however, still counted toward AIM make up. As stated previously, students will have the opportunity to “zero” out their absences by attending AIM sessions.  All requests to excuse absences must be turned in by the END OF THE QUARTER in which they occur. 



If a student has a situation where there are extenuating circumstances or reasons affecting regular classroom attendance, this student’s case may be presented before the Attendance Coordinator to determine whether AIM attendance would be waived or reduced.  Case reviews would only take place if the students attendance situation is deemed unique and extenuating enough to where the stated policy guidelines.

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Attendance Policy & Procedures
Board of Education Student Code of Conduct


Regular Attendance

Students are expected to attend school regularly and to attend all classes.



Students are expected to be on time for school and classes.


Work Habits

Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet performance standards, to have the necessary class materials, to complete class work and homework accurately and on time, and to prepare for quizzes, tests and examinations.


Respects for Self & Others

Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy.

Behavior of the individual should not interfere with the rights of others.

This includes the use of appropriate language, actions and attire.

Students are expected not to harass others verbally and physically.

Students are expected to come to school free from the influence of tobacco products, alcohol or drugs.

Students are expected not to use or possess such substances.


Respects for Authority

Students are expected to comply with all school rules and to obey all laws.

Students are expected to respond in a respectful manner to all adults while in the jurisdiction of the school and while participation in school sponsored activities.


Respects for Property

Students are expected to treat all property belonging to the school and to others with care.


Freedoms from Fear

Students are expected to contribute to a safe school environment free from fear.

Acts of violence, weapons and contraband are never acceptable.

Developed by the Labor Management Cooperation Committee Board of Education, Department of Education, Hawaii State Teachers Association, Hawaii Government Employees Association, Hawaii State Parent Teacher Student Association, Hawaii State Student Council.

Formally adopted by the BOE on February 2, 1995

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BOE Student Code of Conduct



1. Evaluation of student performance (grading) will be based on student achievement.

A. Accomplishment of class work and homework assignments.

B. Participations in class discussions and activities.

C. Evaluation of written and oral reports and projects.

D. Test and quiz scores.

E. Attendance as it affects "make-up work."

1) Students who are absent form school/class for any reasons are responsible for requesting any make-up work.

2) Students who miss school /class may be given the opportunity to make-up work that is missed as well as reasonable time to complete the work.  (When requests for make-up are denied, automatic "F's" or "0's") shall NOT be given.

3) For absences due to suspension, teachers are NOT required to provide make-up work. (However, automatic "F's" or "0's") shall NOT be given for

a) Assignments that students are not allowed to make-up (and/or)

b) Mere physical absence from class

4) For a student who is truant, automatic "F's" or "0's" may be given for work that is missed by the student

2. Specific criteria for grading may vary with different teachers and for each course. Students are asked, therefore, to consult their teachers.  Teachers shall provide the information to the student at the BEGINNING of the course or upon the student's entry to the course.


3. The transfer grading policy (CHANGE OF COURSES) will be as follows:

A. If the student drops the course within the first two weeks of the quarter, there is no letter grade and NO GRADE penalty (AP Courses are the exception).

B. If a student drops a course after Mid-quarter, the grade is an "F" for the old course.  NO GRADE issued for the new course.

C. Normally, students will not be allowed to change in to a new course other than school service after the mid-quarter.  Exceptions, especially if based on valid teacher recommendations, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  The basic intent for paragraph 3 is to:

1) Eliminate interruptions of instructional time where teachers end up having to provide extensive make-up work for late entries.

2) Hold students accountable for their decisions

3) Prevent students from purposely manipulating their schedules in an attempt to circumvent the 2.0 GPA criteria for extra-curricular activities.




1. Rationale

While classroom instruction is the foundation for student learning, homework is an important extension of what is done in the classroom; i.e.: daily lesson, homework checks for out standing concepts covered in class and prepares students for the next day's lesson.


2. Teacher Responsibilities​

A) Be sure the homework is clearly stated and explained.

B) Be sure the homework is understood before being assigned.

C) Be sure that the homework assignment is appropriate in relation to daily class work.

D) Monitor student completion of homework assignments.

E) Communications with parent (through deficiency notices, parent calls, parent conference, etc.) When students are consistently late, incomplete or deficient with homework assignments.

F) Upon request by parent, provide homework for students that will be absent or who have been absent, determine a reasonable length of time for this work to be completed.


3. Student Responsibilities​

A) Pay attention and listen carefully in school so that homework assignments are understandable.

B) Ask questions to the teacher to ensure that the assignments are clearly understood.

C) Write down all homework assignments to ensure that they will not be forgotten

D) Be sure the student has all the necessary materials needed to complete the assignments before leaving school.

E) Do the best the student can on the assignment. Complete the assignment and be prepared to participate in follow-up activities.


4. Parent Responsibilities

A) Encourage their youngsters to do their best with schoolwork, including homework assignments.

B) Monitor work at home when notified by the teacher that their child is not completing their assignments or at an acceptable standard.

C) Follow up at home on any arrangements made between the parent and teacher.

D) Request for grade checks from counselors if child seems to have NO homework or if grades drop.

E) Request homework from classes a child misses due to absences.


5. Work Load

A) The teacher shall determine the nature and the amount of homework given.

D) Homework shall not be mandatory everyday and no specific number of hours per day shall be assigned.


6. Promotion

(See Course Catalog)

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Homework & Grading Policies





Life has many challenges.  Students must become self-directed, lifelong learners in order to adapt to life’s changes and to meet its challenges.  Waiakea High School is committed to smaller learning communities that offer all students opportunities for intellectual and personal development.  The school provides a strong foundation for students to grow into contributing members of a democratic global society.  Pride, respect, and responsibility are emphasized school-wide to make the Waiakea High environment safe and conducive to learning.


The mission of Waiakea High School is to graduate real-life problem solvers, effective communicators and creative and critical thinkers, who are positive contributors to their communities.



Education is the fundamental function of the state and is the foundation of good citizenship.  Discipline is an integral part of instruction and learning.  The purpose of the Proactive School-Wide Discipline Plan at Waiakea High School is to:

  • Establish systematic school-wide structures and procedures for teachers and students that facilitate teaching and learning.

  • Encourage student behaviors that enhance the learning environment.

  • Minimize student behaviors that inhibit teaching and learning interactions.

  • Help students realize that they are responsible for their own actions, will be held accountable, and understand the consequences of their actions.

  • Uphold the values of respecting the dignity and rights of every individual so that an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust can be established and maintained.


Waiakea High School is committed to developing a campus atmosphere which promotes optimal instruction and learning for all.  This can only be accomplished in a structured environment fortified with order, respect, responsibility, and accountability throughout the entire school community.  In order to facilitate this type of environment successfully, students must be taught and thus understand the importance of complying with all school rules and also state and federal laws.  Waiakea High School employs a proactive systematic approach to dealing with student problem behavior.  The overall focus of the Proactive School-Wide Discipline Plan is to support and promote positive behavior by redirecting unacceptable student behavior.



We are proud to be part of the Hawaii Consortium of Smaller Learning Communities (SLC).  Being an SLC school means that each of our students belong to either the 9th grade house or one of six career academies.  SLC high school design further means that we personalize the education of students as we prepare them for life after high school.



Waiakea High School students will become contributing members of society who:

Are responsible for their own learning

  • Set priorities, plan, and work to achieve goals.

  • Monitor progress and evaluate learning experiences.

Understand that it is essential for human beings to work together

  • Demonstrate respect for people’s feelings, ideas, abilities, and cultural diversity.

  • Cooperate with, help, and encourage others in group situations.

Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving

  • Consider multiple and creative perspectives in analyzing and solving a variety of problems.

  • Systematically evaluate information and solutions in decision making and make adjustments as needed.

Recognize and produce quality performances and quality products

  • Identify characteristics of quality performances and products.

  • Set criteria for and produce evidence to meet or exceed HCPS.

Communicate effectively

  • Communicate effectively and clearly through speaking, writing and visual display.

  • Use appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to convey ideas and information for a variety of audiences and purposes.

Use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically

  • Use appropriate technologies for communication, collaboration, research, creativity, and problem solving.

  • Understand and respect legal and ethical issues when accessing, managing, and generating new information.



School infractions are categorized as either minor, serious, or illegal offenses.  Within each category, a progressive procedure ranging from counseling to long-term suspension and/or dismissal will be implemented.  Again, it is critically important that all students understand that they are ultimately responsible for and will be held accountable for their inappropriate behavior.  


All Department of Education and school rules are enforceable and in effect:

  • From the time the student boards a school bus or arrives on campus until the moment the student departs from campus or the school bus.

  • At all school-related activities, on or off campus.


For each alleged violation, students are entitled to fairness, consistency, and due process.  Parent/guardians are informed of infractions and consequences, following the intervention and/or investigation by a school staff member.  Parent/Guardian cooperation and support in encouraging their child to redirect their behavior to more constructive and positive purposes are an integral part in the school’s effort to maintain a safe and secure campus.


8-19-6 PROHIBITED SCHOOL CONDUCT; PENALTIES:  The following prohibited conduct applies to all students in the public school system during school hours, on school premises, or during DOE supervised activities, on or off school property.


REFERENCE:  Title 8 Department of Education; Subtitle 2 Education; Part 1 Public Schools; Chapter 19:  Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews and Arrests, and Restitution for Vandalism and Negligence.


CLASS A OFFENSES (State Law) – Police Report Mandatory

Assault; Burglary; Dangerous Weapons or Instruments (Possession or Use of); Extortion, Fighting, Firearms (Possession or use of); Illicit Drugs & Intoxicating Substances (Possession, Use of, Sale of, Possession by Consumption; Possession of Rolling Paper & Drug Paraphernalia); Homicide; Property Damage; Sexual Offenses; Terroristic Threatening.

CLASS B OFFENSES, Unlawful Conduct – Police Report Mandatory

Bullying, Cyber bullying, Disorderly Conduct; False Alarm (rendering of), Forgery; Gambling; Harassment; Hazing, Inappropriate or questionable uses, or both of internet materials or equipment, or both, Theft; Trespassing.       


CLASS C OFFENSES – Department of Education Prohibited Rules

Abusive language, Class cutting, Insubordination:  Major and repeated minor school offenses, Laser pen/pointer; possession or use of, Leaving Campus without consent, Smoking or use of tobacco substances, Truancy.

CLASS D OFFENSES – School Prohibited Conduct

Contraband (property, other than which is unlawful to possess/produce, which is prohibited from possession or use on school premises because of disruption, nuisance, potential for bodily injury, and /or other undesirable reasons.  Contraband items include, but are not limited to the following:  boom-boxes, tobacco products, lighters/matches, cigarette papers, laser-pointers, pocket knives, spray paint, ammunition cans, gambling paraphernalia, skateboards, roller blades, playing cards, animals, inappropriate reading materials, dangerous instruments, weapons, “look a like” guns or weapons.  Cell phone and electronic device use will not be tolerated in class at any time, if cell phones or electronic devices are used during class time, they will be immediately confiscated. Although the following items are allowed on campus, student are highly discouraged from bringing them due to potential for campus disruption and theft:  IPODS, personal CD players, personal video games, sunglasses, any headgear (hats, caps, beanies, visor, etc.), pagers, cell phones, any other items deemed inappropriate by faculty.  (School is not responsible for lost or stolen contraband items.  Students may choose to make a police report on their own.)       


Students must have a permit to park in student parking area only.  Reckless driving, peeling out, speeding, unsafe driver/passenger behavior may result in suspension of campus parking privileges.  No refunds will be given for such infractions. Cars on campus are subject to be searched with notice to driver of the vehicle.



Plagiarism and Cheating violate the School-Wide Behavior Expectations of Waiakea High School in that a student fails “to demonstrate citizenship” and “respect for oneself and the rights and property of others.


Examples of Plagiarism include:

-taking someone else’s assignment or portion of an assignment and submitting it as your own;

-submitting material written by someone else without giving proper credit to the author or source;

-submitting papers written by someone else and found on the Internet as your own;

-providing your own work to someone else to be used as their own.


Examples of Cheating include:

-copying any assignments written by someone else and claiming them as your own work;

-taking credit for group work when you have not contributed and equal or appropriate share toward the final result;

-accessing a test or quiz for the purpose of determining the questions in advance;

-using summaries and commentaries such as Cliffs Notes or Spark Notes in lieu of reading the assigned materials.

Avoid plagiarism by always giving credit to your sources.  Place quotation marks around direct quotations along with author’s name.  Credit author for summaries and paraphrases not written in your own words.

Infractions of any of the Class A, B, C or D offenses may result in but not be limited to an in or out of school suspension as well as a counselor referral and/or referral to the Violence Prevention Program.


The U.S. congress enacted the Gun-Free Schools Act in 1994 and Hawaii State Legislature, in compliance with federal law, passed Act 148, which was signed into law in 1995.  The Gun-Free Schools Act states:

Any student found to be in possession of a firearm shall be dismissed from school for not less than a one-year period.  The superintendent, on a case-by-case basis, may modify the punishment of a student found to be in possession of a firearm.  If a student is dismissed from school, that student shall be provided substitute educational activities or other appropriate assistance as provided in 8-19-11.



Any child who possesses, sells, consumes or reasonably appears to have consumed, used or uses intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs, while attending school or while attending department-supervised activities held on or off school property, may be excluded from attending school for up to ninety-two school days, as determined by the principal and approved by the superintendent or other individuals designated pursuant to rules adopted by the board.

Act 205 also amended the zero tolerance policy to allow a child to return to school earlier than indicated in the original disciplinary determination, following the completion of a substance abuse assessment and related treatment or counseling.



Any child who is in violation of an Assault, Disorderly Conduct, Harassment, and/or Terroristic Threatening offense may be excluded from attending school for up to thirty school days, as determined by the principal. 


Serious discipline means disciplinary actions including dismissals, disciplinary transfers, crisis removals, and suspensions which either exceed ten school days or will result in the student affected being crisis removed or suspended more that a total of ten school days in a single semester.


A student who is suspended from school:

May not appear on any public school campus during the period of suspension or crisis removal; any student in violation may be referred to police for:

  • Trespassing and subsequent consequences under Chapter 19 for insubordination.

  • Is excluded from participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities during the period of suspension or crisis removal; this would include any school activity which occurs on the weekend if the suspension days are carried over from one week to the next.

  • Is excluded from school and classes during the period of suspension or crisis removal.

  • Is marked with unexcused absences during the period of suspension or crisis removal.

  • Is expected to stay home, unless under the supervision of a parent or guardian; any student who is found loitering by police will be in violation of being truant.


The student will be allowed in school under the following restrictions:  (a) report directly to the ISRC Room; (b) Remain in the supervised ISRC Room for the entire day being quiet, orderly, and on-task; (c) Complete all assignments, readings, and tasks given by teachers and the ISRC supervisor.  Unsatisfactory participation in ISRC will result in more serious disciplinary consequences such as additional ISRC days and/or regular suspension or serious discipline.


Any member caught cheating will be automatically dismissed from the society.  Any member caught stealing or is disciplined for breaking any state laws, county ordinances, or school rules will likewise be dismissed from the society.


Commencement exercise is a privilege not a right.  Any senior who violates school policy and/or is suspended during the 4th quarter may not have the privilege to participate in commencement exercises.  Although one does not participate in the commencement exercises, if requirements are met, a diploma will be granted.


A student who is disciplined and suspended for a CLASS A offense at any time during his or her high school career is ineligible to run for any Student Government or Class office or position on a court.  A student who is suspended for a CLASS B, CLASS C or CLASS D offense during the school year of the election is ineligible to run.  A student holding an elected office or position on a court will lose the title and all privileges if suspended for all or any school offense/violation.


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Discipline Plan
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